Pace Gallery. Yoshitomo Nara in East Hampton

Press Releases

We are pleased to inaugurate our temporary gallery space in East Hampton with After all I’m cosmic dust, a solo exhibition of never-before-seen drawings by internationally renowned Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara, presented alongside personal items related to the artist’s process and inspiration.

After all I’m cosmic dust provides insight into drawing as the center of Nara’s creative world. Combining colored pencil with acrylic paint, his spontaneous drawings—whether diaristic doodles, random lines of thoughts, or bold sketch lines—portray children in a range of moods and capture the instinctive energy crucial to Nara’s expression of his thoughts, emotions, and dreams.

Following the exhibition at our East Hampton location this summer, the show will travel to our library space at 540 West 25th Street, allowing audiences to view the intimate presentation in New York City this fall.

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