Redd Walitzki and Bao Pham at Corey Helford Gallery. LA Exhibitions

Martin Cid Magazine

Redd Walitzki and Iowa-based Vietnamese painter and illustrator Bao Pham premiering at Corey Helford Gallery

In celebration, there will be a virtual opening featuring Redd Walitzki (in-person) and Bao Pham (joining live from @BaoTPham)on FridayApril 9th from 5-6 pm PST on Instagram Live (@CoreyHelfordGallery) and the pieces will remain on view at CHG through May 15th with partial visiting hours. 

Redd Walitzki utilizes a cutting-edge technique that combines oil painting and mixed media on laser-cut panels and takes inspiration from the Pacific Northwest’s lush rainforests and the ornate Baroque ornamentation of Bavaria to create pieces that commemorate a moth’s four-week-long lifespan. The vivid muses are often painted in fashionable garb and glamourous settings that are a façade, hiding underlying themes of ecological destruction. Walitzki’s newest series, The Days of Miracle and Wonder implores the viewer to embark on a journey to a lost time of myth and transformation. When Redd began this series, they were on a journey around the globe, drinking in a myriad of experiences while slipping from one country to the next. Versailles’s opulent halls, the misty harbors of Vietnam, and the golden coastline of the Canary Islands all became woven together into a rich tapestry of inspiration. Locked down during the pandemic, these experiences became a well of hope to draw upon as they painted colorful works of daydream and escape. To learn more about Redd Walitzki, visit and follow on Facebook and Instagram (67.4K followers).

Redd Walitzki Works:

Bao Pham’s art is instantly recognizable for his soft, precise, and colorful portraits of wistful and melancholic figures set in lush natural settings. He incorporates eastern elements and designs using traditional western techniques with a touch of the surreal. Pham’s newest series, Summer Hues, is a direct continuation of his 2019 series entitled, The Rain which focused on the feelings of joy and sadness that come with a spring shower. Regarding his newest series, Pham shares, “During a time of isolation, I found myself looking to the outdoors, reminiscing about a lost summer. Figures are seen basking in the sun-drenched landscape, tangling among a mixture of blooming flowers and birds of the mid-west. Time seems to slow down enough for them to soak up the warmth and colors of summer.” To learn more about Bao Pham, visit on Instagram (456K followers) and Twitter.

Bao Pham Works:

The Days of Miracle and Wonder from Redd Walitzki and Summer Hues from Bao Pham will premiere (virtually only) on Friday, April 9th in Gallery 2, followed by the premiere of CHG’s 15 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition on Saturday, April 10th  from 1-3pm PST in the Main Gallery.

Please note: The gallery has resumed partial visiting hours (Thursday-Saturday, 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm). In accordance with LA County Public Health restrictions, maximum occupancy is restricted to 12 people at a time, mask-wearing and social distancing are mandatory. In accordance with CDC guidelines, guest temperatures will be checked using an infrared scanner upon entry.

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