“Wish” Opens June 17. Metro Pictures. NYC

Martin Cid Magazine


Reza Abdoh, Jean Genet, Nash Glynn

Torbjørn Rødland, Elliot Reed, Heji Shin, Nora Turato

Organized by Alexander Ferrando

June 17 – August 6, 2021

Opening Reception: June 17, 6 to 8pm

In his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud asserts that every dream is the expression of a wish. However, in dreams these repressed wishes often manifest themselves in distorted form in order to be tolerable to the dreamer. The works in the exhibition can be viewed as dream-images that represent desires considered too uncomfortable, taboo or salacious to the conscious mind. Wish is intended to unfold like a dream, with the wish exemplified by each artwork made available to viewers for interpretation. 

For more information, please visit metropictures.com.

Connect with us on Instagram @metro_pictures.

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