Wild Dogs. Michael Werner Gallery, East Hampton

Martin Cid Magazine
Wild Dogs. Michael Werner Gallery, East Hampton

Michael Werner Gallery is pleased to present Wild Dogs in our East Hampton gallery.  The exhibition features the work of five painters who are friends, cohorts, and co-conspirators.

Tim Breuer (b. 1990) lives and work in Berlin, Simone Doig (b. 1994) lives and works in London, Stanislava Kovalcikova (b. 1988) lives and works in Düsseldorf, Florian Krewer (b. 1986) lives and works in New York, and Christoph Matthes (b. 1990) lives and works in Düsseldorf.

Although the painters reside in different cities and possess differing sensibilities, their relationship spans years and conversations about each other’s work. As the title of the show suggests, the painters form a “pack” through their commitment to each other and painting itself.

Wild Dogs will be on view beginning Friday 1 October. Our East Hampton gallery is open Thursday through Sunday from 11am to 5pm.

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