Julian Schnabel in Los Angeles. Pace Gallery

Martin Cid Magazine
Julian Schnabel,Untitled, 2022, PAINTING, velvet - tbc, 84" × 66" × 1-1/2" (213.4 cm × 167.6 cm × 3.8 cm), #81243, Alt #P22.0019, Format of original photography: high res TIFFs.

Julian Schnabel inaugurates our new gallery in Los Angeles with an exhibition titled For Esmé — with Love and Squalor. Featuring 13 new velvet paintings and a large-scale bronze sculpture, the exhibition is titled after a short story by J.D. Salinger and manifests the need for optimism in the face of violence and despair.

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Julian Schnabel in Los Angeles. Pace Gallery
Julian Schnabel in Los Angeles. Pace Gallery
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