Detective Knight: Redemption is a 2022 thriller movie directed by Edward Drake starring Bruce Willis, Corey Large and Lochlyn Munro. It is the sequel to ‘Detective Knight: Rogue’ , and will be released on December 9.
As in the Die Hard film series, Willis makes a Christmas comeback in the Detective Knight saga.
In custody in New York, Detective James Knight finds himself in the middle of a jailbreak led by The Christmas Bomber, a brutal fanatic whose Santa Claus disciples are terrorizing the city. With the promised return of his badge in exchange for taking out the terrorists, the steely-eyed Knight doles out mercy for the justโฆand merciless justice for all the rest.
Release Date
December 9, 2022
Movie Trailer
Edward Drake
Bruce Willis / James Knight | Corey Large | Lochlyn Munro |
Beau Mirchoff | Paul Johansson | John Cassini / Mayor Vassetti |
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Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars