Art Basel Hong Kong 2022. Perrotin

2 years ago
Jason Boyd Kinsella
Jason Boyd Kinsella

For the 2022 edition of Art Basel Hong Kong, Perrotin is pleased to present a selection of works by the gallery’s program of artists and artist estates.

The presentation brings together paintings, sculptures and mixed media works by a diverse group of artists and artist estates across generations, continents, interests and approaches. Highlights include the Hong Kong debut of works by artists who recently began representation with or collaborating with Perrotin. Jean-Marie Appriou brings viewers to his fantastical world with new aluminum and bronze equine and chiropteran sculptures. By breaking down the personality traits of his characters into geometric units open to new combinations, Jason Boyd Kinsella explores mankind’s ever-changing state of being. Koak creates emotionally charged figures imbued with a sense of agency and inner life rendered through exquisite line work and mark making. Tavares Strachan debuts his new Galaxy series in Asia inviting the viewer to re-imagine the experience of stargazing.

On view alongside these debuts is Lee Bae’s latest series Issu du feu (White lines), shown in Hong Kong for the first time, where he gives his charcoal compositions a new perspective by punctuating them with white lines. Also on display are Takashi Murakami’s new shaped canvas work featuring the whimsical, orb-eared DOB — the artist’s avatar and a constantly evolving character embodying an ever-changing artistic identity — in a polychromatic palette; and a painting from the Ens? series which represents an epiphany for the artist and pays homage to the tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism.

The gallery’s booth also presents works by Jens Fänge, Bernard Frize, Hans Hartung, Gregor Hildebrandt, Park Seo-Bo, Georges Mathieu, and Jean-Michel Othoniel.

Coinciding with Art Basel Hong Kong, a solo show by Koak, The Driver, is on view at Perrotin Hong Kong from May 21 through to July 9. It marks her first exhibition with the gallery and in Asia.

Recent and upcoming shows by other newly represented or collaborating artists:
Jean-Marie Appriou — upcoming solo show in the second half of 2022 at Perrotin Shanghai;
Jason Boyd Kinsella — solo show on March 26 – March 21, 2022 at Perrotin Paris;
Tavares Strachan — solo show in October 2022 at Perrotin Paris.

For more information about Perrotin and its artists, please visit

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