At the Moment (2023) Netflix Series: 10 Stories with a Lot of Humanity

At the Moment
Alice Lange Alice Lange

At the Moment is a taiwanese series directed by Lien Yi-Chi, Ray Wu, Pin-Chuan Kao, Norris Wong, and Remii Huang.

Today, on Friday, we are introduced to this pleasant yet bittersweet and realistic Taiwanese series about the lives of individuals who, while sharing apartments, lives, spaces, and situations, have much more in common than it seems: they all want to feel that “something more” in this world that, seemingly, wants to deny it.

At the Moment is a series that excels in its photographic quality and manages a dynamic and lively pace in a series that goes beyond being a typical sitcom, putting the camera and waiting for the characters to develop: it is filmed like a cinematic piece, carefully considering each shot and framing, the positioning of light, and more, with great respect for the viewer.

Thematically, it quickly liberates itself from its romantic comedy tone and takes the characters and its own cinematic narrative very, very seriously.

Each episode will tell us several stories that share a common sense of humanity and respect for the characters, all presented in a highly elaborate filmmaking style.

At the Moment
At the Moment

About the Series

Technically well-crafted, and quickly surpassing the apparent naivety of the characters to delve into their worlds, their stories, and create an environment rich in nuances, both in the human and aesthetic aspects. The characters are relatable and incredibly endearing, treated with respect from the very beginning. More realist series than hysterical comedy, it also places us in the dilemma that, deep down, we find ourselves within a television production: a series that satirizes its own narrative, as seen in the first episode.

It is a series that aims to be, and succeeds in being, a little bit like life: sad and funny at the same time, sometimes hilarious and other times tragic. At the Moment often leans toward the melancholic side rather than the comedic, seeking to approach its characters and understand them rather than portraying them in a raw manner.

It is a series that always intends for you to fall in love with its characters and the way it is filmed.

Our Opinion

Meticulously crafted in terms of technicality and with great respect for the characters. A series that takes itself seriously in both writing and cinematography.

Do not expect the typical sitcom, like “Friends.”

At the Moment | Official Trailer | Netflix

The Cast

Gingle Wang
Gingle Wang
Vivian Sung
Vivian Sung
Berant Zhu
Berant Zhu
Austin Lin
Austin Lin

JC Lin
Jing-Hua Tseng
Puff Kuo
Terrance Lau
LULU Huang

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