Ahead of Art Blocks Marfa Weekend 2023, Mona Welcomes You to Explore the Farflung City’s Art Virtually

Lisbeth Thalberg
Prada Marfa | glitch Gallery Marfa

Mona is extending an invitation to Art Blocks Marfa Weekend attendees, to experience blockchain-based digital objects in an immersive context. On September 22nd, from 9 PM to 12 AM at Glitch Marfa, the event hosted by Mona, in collaboration with Tribute Brand, will
illustrate how virtual environments are influencing our perspectives on art, architecture, and collaboration

glitch Gallery Marfa
glitch Gallery Marfa

Marfa, renowned as America’s Coolest Art Town by Vogue, is brought directly to your fingertips with Mona’s re-creation of “Glitch Gallery Marfa” and “Prada Marfa” in digital form. This initiates a broader discussion about the concept of preserving significant historical structures in a digital format, enabling access to enduring art installations like Prada Marfa by artists Elmgreen & Dragset, and late sculptor Donald Judd’s landmark figure in the history of postwar art, ensuring their longevity for the future.

glitch Gallery Marfa
glitch Gallery Marfa

The event takes place in Glitch Marfa’s physical gallery space and will showcase a captivating journey at the forefront of artistic innovation powered by Mona’s cutting-edge 3D world-building platform. In a world that is no longer bound by geographical limitations, thanks to Mona, art enthusiasts can now embark on a virtual journey, enabling them to explore, engage, and participate in events, all while capturing Marfa’s vibrant artistic heritage from anywhere in the world.

The highlight of the night will be an in-person panel discussion on the world of generative fashion, featuring distinguished panelists such as Justin, Founder and CEO of Mona, Gala Vrbanic from Tribute brand, Colby Mugrabi from Mmerch, and Danny Loftus from Draup. Together, they will delve into the endless possibilities presented by digital fashion and immersive experiences.

As the evening progresses, the event will transform into a dynamic mixer and after-dark celebration. Mona will take the stage to showcase the virtual Marfa spaces and the immersive Tribute Brand 3D environment within Mona.

glitch Gallery Marfa
glitch Gallery Marfa

The blend of digital and physical realms is the future, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and we’re excited about the prospect of collaborating with you on a feature exploring this intersection.

glitch Gallery Marfa

About Justin Melillo

Justin Melillo is the CEO and Co-Founder of Mona, the leading world building platform and web3 social network for creators, by creators.

Justin Melillo
Justin Melillo

Justin is a lifelong artist and creative who for the past 12 years has worked professionally at the bleeding edge of art and technology. In his previous roles at DreamWorks Animation and Magic Leap, Melillo worked on animated feature films and helped build the world’s first AR digital human AI and a volumetric capture experience with the Royal Shakespeare Company. An artist and creator of immersive AR and VR experiences, Melillo’s AR lenses have been viewed over 100 million times across Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Melillo has collaborated with a number of household name musicians throughout his career such as Lizzo, Pearl Jam, and Cardi B as well as designing stages for touring musicians including Drake and CharliXCX. Justin holds a Bachelor’s degree (with Honors) in Computer Art, Computer Animation, and Visual Effects from the School of Visual Arts.

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Journalist and artist (photographer). Editor of the art section at MCM.
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