Ben Howard shares the studio recording of single “Days Of Lantana” – Give it a listen!

A studio performance of one of the track singles from Ben Howard’s latest album “Is It?” has just been released. True to his habitual indie rock and folk this song does not let us down.

Is It?” was released earlier in the season, and is the fifth album in his impressive musical career.

“Is It?” Track Listing

1. “Couldn’t Make It Up”
2. “Walking Backwards”
3. “Days of Lantana”
4. “Life in the Time”
5. “Moonraker”
6. “Richmond Avenue”
7. “Interim of Sense”
8. “Total Eclipse”
9. “Spirit”
10. “Little Plant”

Alice Lange
Alice Lange
Alice Lange is passionate about music. She has been part of several groups in the production side and has now decided to bring her experience to the field of journalism. She also reviews movies and television and participates in various events.
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