“Children of the Church Steps” is a Netflix series created by Luis Lomenha starring Samuel Silva, Andrei Marques, Wendy Queiroz, and Patrick Congo.
“Children of the Church Steps” unfolds a tale that is tragic, deeply disheartening, and profoundly sorrowful. However, “Children of the Church Steps” transcends the narrative of four individuals; it encapsulates the essence of an environment, a way of life, and the myriad heart-wrenching stories that, whether identical or akin to these four, pervade the living conditions in Rio de Janeiro.
These four stories are delivered with a rhythmic cadence, a high-quality narrative, both in script and visuals, painting a portrait of a world that is dark, challenging, yet simultaneously intimate and poetic.
“Children of the Church Steps” stands out as an exceptional series in both its storytelling and visual prowess. Nonetheless, it will undoubtedly be an unsettling experience for viewers due to the harsh realities and the difficult ambiance it depicts.
About the Series
From the very first moments, “Children of the Church Steps” establishes itself as something unique: straightforward, tender, and yet, brutally realistic. Each of the four episodes of this series will delve into the life of one of these four characters, all set within the same environment but each with a shared tragic fate.
“Children of the Church Steps” is a profound drama portraying the harsh realities of life in Rio de Janeiro. However, do not expect a neorealistic narrative; it is infused with vibrant colors and poetic moments. “Children of the Church Steps” aims to blend emotion and sentiment with the most bitter and accurate social depiction: the harsh reality hidden behind the hopes of four characters whose destinies are preordained and inescapable.
Our Opinion
Give “Children of the Church Steps” a chance: it is a bitter and disheartening series, yet within its core lies a poetic beauty that is both sweet and cruel.
A unique and realistic series, indeed.
Where to Watch “Children of the Church Steps”