Thomas Dane Gallery. Alexandre da Cunha: ‘Faces’

Press Releases

This portfolio of imaginary portraits by Alexandre da Cunha is composed from household items: fruit, vegetables, appliances, spices, and kitchen and cleaning utensils. They were created whilst working from home every day from April through to June 2020 and shared via Instagram. The composition of each face is undertaken almost as form of daily exercise, part of a new routine or as a marker of the passing of time, a line drawn on the calendar. Reviewing his experience of a familiar domestic environment and encountering an intensification of his surroundings’ potential, Faces was born out of the close examination of the familiar as possibility and spontaneity within limited space and means. Domesticity, habitual labour and household chores are reimagined as a space for reflection and expression. In their subtle, characterful and expedient arrangement, these faces demonstrate that a quiet calendar is never an indicator of time lost.

Alexandre da Cunha will present Arena (2020), a new exhibition curated in dialogue with Jenni Lomax, at Thomas Dane Gallery in Naples from 29th September with a concurrent presentation of new work at The Box, Plymouth.

Alexandre da Cunha
Faces, 2020
portfolio of 10 c-print photographs
25.4 x 20.3 cm. each
10 x 8 in. each
edition of 40 + 10APs

£750 + VAT (unframed)

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