Seeing America: America Martin. JoAnne Artman Gallery

Martin Cid Magazine

Emphasizing narration and the tales that emerge through gesture and contour, America Martin’s compositions always conjure a captivating story. JoAnne Artman Gallery is proud to present, Seeing America, an exhibition that investigates humanity, legacy, and change. Offering a private glimpse into America Martin’s world of beauty and perennial optimism, the show is titled after both observing her an artist, and temporarily seeing the world through her unique perspective. Featuring her ongoing series, “I See Heroes Everywhere,” the works explore portraiture and the enduring narratives of influential leaders. Prioritizing the figure as a central focal point throughout her career, Martin’s imagery is allegorical, familiar, and above all, hopeful.

America Martin. I See Heroes Everywhere Grid. Available Individually
America Martin. I See Heroes Everywhere Grid. Available Individually

Inspired by the landscape of the human form, Martin’s style is distinguished by a command of line and
contour, making playful reference to both classic and indigenous art forms. Her work frequently features the human body shown in relationship to nature, with animals and plants used analogously to traits of personality. Choreographed in relentless flux, her technique of freehandedly capturing her subjects yields unapologetic marks and a spirited palette that hums with the vitality and vigor of the world she creates. Traveling between disciplines of painting, drawing, and sculpture, Martin is insouciant in the conquest ofnew terrain, yet her distinct portrayal of form is notable across all mediums.

Martin also examines the impact of activism and heroism in her featured “I See Heroes Everywhere” series. In a bold statement that champions everyday kindnesses and small, sustained steps toward change, the series includes legends of the past and present, as well as unsung figures. Rendered in streamlined ink drawings, each portrait is emblematic of both passion and action. Pairing a quote with each likeness, Martin implores visitors to consider the core values of leadership embodied in the series—justice, integrity, empathy, and a call to action.

America Martin. The Warm Up. Oil + Acrylic on Canvas. 51.5 x 51.5 inches
America Martin. The Warm Up. Oil + Acrylic on Canvas. 51.5 x 51.5 inches

America Martin’s work will inspire, provoke, engage and mesmerize. With visual perceptions always
changing, peek behind the stories told and you’re sure to find the right artistic expression.

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