JoAnne Artman Gallery: Color Stories: Featuring PunkMeTender and Lisa Bartleson

Martin Cid Magazine

JoAnne Artman Gallery proudly presents, “Color Stories: Featuring PunkMeTender and Lisa Bartleson.” Celebrating the use of color and its emotional potency, this exclusive exhibition allows for an investigation of how color intersects with subject and message. Bringing together the works of PunkMeTender and Lisa Bartleson and juxtaposing their sculptural, multidimensional techniques, the two artists exemplify color’s transformative ability to permeate our environments and surroundings.

Lisa Bartleson. Mexican Marigold. Acrylic on Linen_65 x 56 x 1.5
Lisa Bartleson. Mexican Marigold. Acrylic on Linen_65 x 56 x 1.5

PunkMeTender has been creating vibrant multimedia art, installations, and murals in Los Angeles since 2000. Influenced by art, fashion, and music, his moniker combines his admiration for the legendary Elvis Presley with Daft Punk. Inspired by butterflies and the freedom, spirit, and beauty they represent, their silhouette has become a constant in his work. Incorporating three-dimensional butterflies into his canvases and murals alike, their sculptural shapes create the illusion of flight. In a dramatic interplay of motion and light, swaths of color explode from the center of each painting, extending to the edges of the canvas. Saturated sections of pinks, blues, and blacks further emphasize the butterfly’s central position. Adding further whimsy and opulence, the pieces are finished with diamond dust. Designed with his audience in mind, PunkMeTender’s art is intended to be photographed, posed with, and shared on social media.

PunkMeTender. 172 Acrylic on Stretched Canvas_Aluminum Butterfly, Diamond Dust_30 x 30
PunkMeTender. 172 Acrylic on Stretched Canvas_Aluminum Butterfly, Diamond Dust_30 x 30

Lisa Bartleson is a California based, interdisciplinary artist working across genres of painting, installation, sculpture, and ceramics. Bartleson is a part of the 2nd generation Light and Space Movement- a label for West Coast Minimalist art concerned with how geometric shapes and use of light affects the perception of the viewer. Concentrating on light, color, and luminescence, Bartleson methodically captures discrete transitions between hues of color. Known for her exploration of materiality, her body of work consists of repetitive, meditative mark making and diffused swathes of color. Evoking a meditative state, the focal point of her works is always a horizon point within the composition. Often incorporating aspects of geometry with formed canvases, her work falls between painting and sculpture, with final compositions that radiate dimensionality and presence. Utilizing pigments that interact with the viewer’s perception of light and color, Bartleson attains work that shifts and reveals itself as the person observing moves to investigate. Intense and calming, kinetic and stagnant, each work is unexpectedly complex. Stripped down to only its most essential components, Bartleson’s keen attention to her materials and consideration of her viewers’ experience, the work no longer becomes about the object itself, but rather about perception.

Lisa Bartleson. Rose. Acrylic on Linen_65 x 56 x 1.5
Lisa Bartleson. Rose. Acrylic on Linen_65 x 56 x 1.5

These works will inspire, provoke, engage, and mesmerize. With visual perceptions always changing, peek behind the stories told and you’re sure to find the right artistic expression.

JoAnne Artman Gallery, presents:
COLOR STORIES: Featuring PunkMeTender + Lisa Bartleson

NOW ON VIEW: June 10th, 2021 – August 14th, 2021

Works on Display @ JoAnne Artman Gallery- 346 N Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA 92651

JoAnne Artman Gallery
326 + 346 N Coast Highway | Laguna Beach, CA 92651

511A West 22nd St. | New York, NY 10011Galleries Open by Appointment
Contact:  JoAnne Artman
Telephone:  949-510-5481 | E-mail:

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