Performance Review and Gertrude present: Contact High

Martin Cid Magazine

In line with Gertrude’s commitment to supporting curatorial practice and the presentation of ambitious projects and public outcomes, the remainder of the month of July will be dedicated to Contact High, a Performance Review takeover of Gertrude Glasshouse. 

Coming out of a year where performance was primarily engaged with through the intermediaries of phone and laptop screens, Contact High seeks to emphasise that which is lost through digital dissemination: action and dialogue, movement and sweat, laboured breath and foot falls, audiences and performers, dancers and spectators, dramaturgy and scores. 

Over the course of three weeks, six Naarm based artists will be in residence at Gertrude Glasshouse; rehearsing, workshopping and developing new or existing performance works. This residency will culminate in the public presentation of these works across two performance nights on Thursday 22 July and Thursday 29 July. 

Contact High is interested in the transference that occurs between performers and audiences in the gallery and is a celebration of our newly regained ability to be together, performing and spectating.

Performance Review is a platform for critical and creative engagement with performance art. 

Anador Walsh is a curator and writer and the founding editor of Performance Review.

Design: New Association

Performance Review thanks founding patrons Create Space Consultancy and MurriMatters for their support of Contact High.

Gertrude Glasshouse is generously supported by Michael Schwarz and David Clouston.

The 2021 Gertrude Glasshouse exhibition program is supported by the City of Yarra’s Annual Grants Program.

Performance Night 1: 6-8pm, Thursday 22 July
Rebecca Jensen, The Effect, 2021
Alexander Powers, The Plastic Body, 2021
Sean Miles, a waste of time, 2021
Music by Amrita Hepi

Performance Night 2: 6-8pm, Thursday 29 July
Arini Byng in collaboration with Rebecca Jensen, Lilian Steiner and Rohan Rebeiro, I felt it when you fell, 2021
Ari Tampubolon, Contract High Xx, 2021
Marcus McKenzie, Solo For Smartphones, 2021
Music by Amrita Hepi

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