MGG Presents | Hans Ulrich Obrist on Ettore Spalletti | 26 January 2022

Martin Cid Magazine
Ettore Spalletti, "Untitled 1998"

Join us on 26 January 2022 for a live discussion by Hans Ulrich Obrist on Ettore Spalletti (1940-2019), whose work is currently on view in our New York gallery through 5 March 2022.

About Marian Goodman Gallery Presents

Marian Goodman Gallery Presents is a platform featuring in-depth conversations with artists and curators alike. The aim is to complement the gallery’s programming—in New York, Paris, and with Marian Goodman Projects around the world—in an effort to make our exhibitions accessible to the public.

About Hans Ulrich Obrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist (b. 1968, Zurich, Switzerland) is Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries in London, Senior Advisor at LUMA Arles, and Senior Artistic Advisor at The Shed in New York. Prior to this, he was the Curator of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Since his first show World Soup (The Kitchen Show) in 1991, he has curated more than 350 shows.

About Ettore Spalletti

Ettore Spalletti (1940-2019) was born in Cappelle sul Tavo (Pescara) where he spent his whole life. He began his career when Arte Povera was revolutionizing visual culture in Italy and beyond. Spalletti developed a singular, solitary voice and a resultant body of work that exceeds any movement circumscribing an artist to regional or ideological boundaries. Spalletti’s formal vocabulary has always melded and balanced painting and sculpture, form and color, interior and exterior space.

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