The Real Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist – Documentary Series on Netflix

Martin Cid
Los Bling Ring desvalijan Hollywood (2022)

The Real Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist is a three part docu-series directed by Miles Blayden-Ryall. Recounts the sequence of events behind the burglaries in Hollywood celebrity homes in the period 2007-2009, carried out by a group of teenagers who became famous by robbing celebrity homes. Well, they did get the attention. So much so that it led to a movie based on their story, a reality show in which even the lawyers sought some fame.

A social portrait of L.A., not the city of stars but the life in The Valley, a place where everybody dreams of becoming famous and go “all in” in order to make it.

This is a docu-series that oscillates between true crime, given it deals with the real delinquency of thieving, a reality show and a bombastic sociological portrait, with a lot of irony that, of course, only Hollywood can get away with.

What to think of a band of burglars who aim to ransack Paris Hilton and Orlando Bloom? It is borderline surreal, especially when the whole affair became a media phenomenon, giving the viewers cheap thrills. Surreal, we will not qualify it as amusing, although there are times that as a viewer you will laugh.

This is a nonchalant documentary (true crime if you will) that will entertain you and help with the hefty viewing experiences released today such as Dahmer.

The Stars

Release Date

September 21, 2022

Where to Watch The Real Bling Ring: Hollywood Heist


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