Hannah Starkey: In Real Life | The Hepworth Wakefield

Martin Cid Magazine
Hannah Starkey, Kirkgate Towers, 2022, 2022 framed c-type print mounted on aluminium, 122 x 163 cm

The Hepworth Wakefield will present the first major survey of British photographer Hannah Starkey, tracing the development of her work across two decades.

Starkey reveals women in moments of private reflection, alienation or social interaction that might otherwise go unseen: a woman fleetingly fascinated by another woman’s reflection, or the attentive gaze of a mother carrying her child. On display will be photographs from Starkey’s graduation show in 1997 that immediately brought her widespread acclaim, through to a newly commissioned body of work created with young women in Wakefield in 2022.

Out of their conversations, concepts for images for the Wakefield commission were realised. Starkey worked closely with female students from Wakefield’s CAPA performing arts school – a flagship institution providing opportunities for young people in the region – to produce four major new works taken in locations across in Wakefield.

Hannah Starkey’s exhibition is made possible by the Freelands Foundation through her receiving the 2019 Freelands Award. 

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The Hepworth Wakefield

Gallery Walk
West Yorkshire

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