‘Noise’ (2022): A Mexican Movie with no Subtleties

Veronica Loop

Noise (Ruido) is a Mexican movie directed by Natalia Beristain, starring Julieta Egurrola and Teresa Ruiz.

Noise is a movie that takes a gamble in drama and a dramatic portrayal rather than subtleties in the narrative, a movie in which Julieta Egurrola is up to the gamble and who gives back perfectly.


Julia is a mother, or more precisely, one of the many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues that have had their lives destroyed by the generalized violence in a country that is waging war against its women. Julia is in search of Ger, her daughter. And, during her search, goes weaving the stories and battles of the different women she meets.

Noise (2022)

Movie Review

Noise is not a film for all types of audiences nor for any circumstance either: this is a story about a woman who is broken because of the disappearance of her daughter, a story about social realities and lastly, about political issues as well.

Noise is more of a play in acting than an apparent elegant aesthetic choice and doe snot want to (and most likely should not) be lost in the subtleties so that –by choice- does not lose an instant of the story of this woman which serves as a social statement of a reality in a dramatic movie which, if you are not interested in social or intimate dramas, this is not for you and if you are, it rises up tu expectations with no subtleties and great realism.

Yet the aesthetics, although subtle, are very much there and present but subtly, almost in a whisper with a slow rhythm of minimal choices and even minimalistic ones, prolonged silences and slow shots in order to create an rhythmic atmosphere that is consistent, and above all, truthful.

This is a movie that is in search of the truth in fiction, apparently a paradox.

Whether it achieves this or not, is up to each spectator and their desire to enter in this tortuous, dramatic and denouncement universo that Noise offers us.

Our Opinion

A difficult and tough movie, with lots of subtleties in spite of the appeareance of its aesthetic choices. The interpretation is always at the core of this movie and it is a sucess thanks to the wonderful acting of Julieta Egurrola who defines a realistic and cruelly dramatic character.

Release Date

November 9, 2022

Where to Watch ‘Noise’



Julieta Egurrola

Teresa Ruiz

Arturo Beristáin

Pedro de Tavira

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