LG Art Lab Announces Collaboration with Sculptor Barry X Ball for New Series of NFTs and Physical Sculptures Debuting at Frieze Los Angeles 2023

Lisbeth Thalberg
Lisbeth Thalberg
Image credit: Barry X Ball, Granulo-Specular Chiaroscuro Meta-Morph (Alchemic Gold), 2012-2022, 39 seconds, Courtesy of Barry X Ball Studio, Inc.

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics (LG) announced today the advancement of its LG Art Lab platform featuring new artworks including NFTs and a 24-karat gold-plated sculpture by Brooklyn-based sculptor Barry X Ball. Launching on February 16 and tied to the VIP preview day in an on-site presentation at Frieze Los Angeles 2023, these works are inspired by the artist’s in-process sculptures of Pope John Paul II, continuing his foray into reassessments of both classical and modern sculpture.

The new series of NFT’s, available via LG’s Smart TV webOS platform, will be presented at Frieze LA on LG’s large screen OLED TVs including stunning 97, 83 and 77-inch LG OLED G2 and C2 Series models and unique LG OLED Easel and Pose Lifestyle Screens for the most immersive viewing experiences.

“As a leader in the technology space, it has been a privilege to collaborate with LG on this body of work. My goal from the beginning of the project was to establish a new standard for the visual arts.” said Barry X Ball. “The resultant NFTs would not be possible without LG’s flagship OLED technology, which enables me to create a fully immersive experience for art viewers, with rich, deep blacks and radiantly-intricate details.”

New 39-second kinetic NFTs by Ball augment his sculptural practice into the digital realm, using LG’s OLED TV to create works at the production levels of a Hollywood film. The four variations of this series are based on four metals–black steel, gold, copper and silver–and immerse the viewer in hyper-Baroque, complex forms amongst an original soundtrack. Each of the digital sculptures morph from a raw base-metal into their respective shades with exceptional detail and color accuracy, demonstrating how LG’s OLED TV’s over 8 million self-lit pixels achieve deep blacks for crisp contrast, so you can see subtle details. that allow the metals to shimmer and glisten like never before.

This new series of 4 NFTs are based on the Hedera network, the most used, sustainable, enterprise-grade public ledger for the decentralized economy. Both Barry X Ball and LG possess a deep commitment to technology and its innovative capacity for new creative endeavors, initiating their collaboration at Frieze Seoul 2022 in a special presentation. LG Art Lab hosts regular NFT drops on their website, utilizing a countdown feature that reminds users when they are scheduled to take place. 

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