Interview with Sainty Nelsen

Martin Cid
Sainty Nelsen

Thank you for your time, Sainty. Before we start… you are an Emmy Drama Desk award winner, a Tony winner… just a couple among many other awards. A truly impressive career.

Thank you SO much!!!

To mention just a few, we can see your work in no less than eight productions of Netflix, HBO Max, Nickelodeon, and Disney… truly amazing… and to carry on, soon we will be seeing you in the seventh season of Gabby’s Dollhouse, in Rights to Will Rogers Story and the third season of Spidey and His Amazing Friends… Where does all this overflowing energy come from, and how are you able to organize all of this?

Sainty Nelsen
Sainty Nelsen

My energy, I think, comes from being a mom of a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old. I’m used to running on NO sleep! LOL. I am so grateful for the help and support of family and friends! It has been a wild and crazy year!

You have focused on productions for the youngest set of viewers and you were the youngest Emmy winner female producer in history. How did you start and how did you decide to focus your career on children´s products? Was this a vocational choice?

I started my career as a theatre actor. I think transitioning to the film/tv world was a lot easier, thanks to my theatre training. Denis Leary was actually the one who helped guide my focus to voice-over. I was shooting the pilot of “Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll,” and he told me I should look into voice-over. Everything positively spiraled from there. It’s been SO much fun being in children’s series because I have a 3-year-old daughter, Molly Morgan, and a 1-year-old son, Mick. They are my “prime audience”! I usually get a feel if I’m nailing a character or not based on their reaction to the voice I’m trying out. They are a tough crowd!

You are both a producer and an actress. Which one of these facets is most gratifying and how do you manage to handle the differences between them?

Both are incredibly rewarding in different ways. Producing is so beautiful because you really get to see a project from the very beginning to the end, where being an actress is so much fun because seeing the final product is such a surprise and a reward.

We know you are preparing several projects, such as the third season of Spidey*and His Amazing Friends, but we wanted to know a little more. How do you view yourself within a few years, ten, for example? Do you plan to change registers? How do you view your future?

I would love to just keep consistently working. It has always been my dream to star in a Hallmark Christmas movie, so I want to keep my eye on that prize! As far as my view of myself, as long as my children and husband are healthy and happy- I’m one happy camper. Fingers crossed, the auditions keep rolling in!

We know you are a mother of two great kids, and we wanted to ask you about the future, the education, and the youngest viewers. Life has changed… a lot in recent years… so much AI, computer animation, and many technical changes that have also affected acting. As an active part in the education of small children, how do you see these changes in education with regard to new technologies, and how do you feel these changes affect the kids?

To be honest, I may not have a popular opinion on this- but I just think embracing the change. Technology isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Everything in moderation. My children aren’t glued to phones, but they love themselves some tv! Heck, it’s my livelihood. Blogging, Gaming, etc., have become careers at this point- so I think as long as they have a healthy balance of outside reality- they are fine.

Finally, thank you for everything, and we wish you the very best for the future. Thank you.

Thank you SOOOO much!!! I appreciate you.

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