Meeting the Legendary Plantagenets: From Henry II to Richard III

Martin Cid Magazine
Henry II (1154–1189) is considered by some to be the first Plantagenet king of England, and the first Angevin.

Welcome to a journey through time! You are invited to disembark your time machine and venture back to the world of the Plantagenets, a legendary dynasty of English rulers who reigned from 1154 – 1485.

We will trace the steps of eight rulers who left their mark on British history: Henry II, Richard I, John, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, Edward III and Richard III. Follow us as we uncover the stories behind these extraordinary monarchs and discover how their reigns shaped Medieval Britain.

From grand castles and battlefields to royal courts and daring adventures, this is an epic tale of lives full of courage and ambition. Get ready for battle with brave kings, fair ladies and daring knights as you meet the legendary Plantagenets!

Introduction to the Plantagenet Dynasty

If you’re looking for an iconic dynasty to explore, look no further: the Plantagenets. This powerful and influential family ruled over England from 1154 until 1485, encompassing three distinct royal houses: the Angevins, the Lancastrians, and the Yorkists. During this time period, their reign was characterized by a series of bloody civil wars and battles.

The first Plantagenet king was Henry II, who ascended to the throne in 1154. In his lifetime he established a strong centralized government in England and extended its territory into what is now France. Henry had five sons; the two most famous were Richard I “the Lionheart” and John “Lackland”, both of whom were very important figures during this era. Richard I led the Third Crusade to reclaim Jerusalem and was known as a great military leader, while John Lackland fought a series of wars with barons to help consolidate his power.

The Plantagenet dynasty continued many years later with King Richard III in 1483. He is most well-known for his involvement in a civil war known as The War of the Roses between two branches of the royal family – Lancaster (represented by a red rose) and York (represented by a white rose). Ultimately, he would lose his throne and be killed at Bosworth Field in 1485.

The Plantagenets are an integral part of English history; their legacy remains alive today through popular culture such as plays and films like Shakespeare’s Richard III or films like The Lion in Winter which depict this chaotic yet winning family.

Henry II: The Lion in Winter

Henry II was the first Plantagenet king, who successfully claimed the throne and ruled over a united England between 1154 and 1189. He had a tumultuous reign and earned his popular nickname, “The Lion in Winter,” due to his personality — fierce loyalty to those who were dear to him combined with a temper that could flare at any moment.

Henry II was instrumental in defining many aspects of English law and government that still exist today. He was responsible for introducing judges to journey around the country assessing legal disputes and rendering judgments, which today is known as Circuit Courts. This is why Henry II is often credited as the founder of common law, a legal system defining rights and punishments for citizens across England that is still largely in place today.

In terms of foreign policy, Henry II also proved incredibly successful, launching campaigns against France and Scotland, among others. He was one of the most powerful people in Europe during his time as King of England, which makes it no surprise that his legacy has long been celebrated across the United Kingdom.

Richard I: The Lionheart

When you think of the Plantagenets, one of the most legendary is Richard I, also known as “The Lionheart”. He was born in 1157 and reigned from 1189 to 1199. He was renowned for his courage and chivalry both on and off the battlefield, earning him the moniker “The Lionheart”.

Richard I was an ambitious and powerful ruler who put his country to good use. He conquered parts of France during his reign, eventually becoming King of England and Duke of Aquitaine in 1189. He also organized a campaign for the Third Crusade, where he won many battles in the Holy Land.

Richard I’s lifetime saw him possess a warrior’s heart. He was a proficient military leader who commanded troops from different countries, extending his influence across the region. Additionally, he was responsible for introducing several legislative reforms which changed England’s economy and justice system. His ambition and influence have solidified his place as one of history’s greatest Plantagenet rulers.

Edward I: King of the English

Edward I is widely credited with being one of the greatest English kings as he strengthened the country’s legal system and its military power. He also left his mark in Scotland by subjugating the Scots, a feat that earned him the title ‘Hammer of the Scots’.

Edward was born at Westminster on June 17, 1239 and was succeeded to the throne by his son Edward II at age 68. As King, he gained fame for his campaigns against Scotland and Wales (1277-1307). He also reorganized England’s courts, modified taxation systems and had a massive impact on English law.

His reign saw the creation of Parliament as an institution, beginning with summoning two knights from each shire to attend Parliament in 1275. This served as an early form of democracy which would eventually lead to England becoming one of the most powerful nations in Europe. Edward I also enacted reforms such as criminalizing corruption and working to ensure people did not suffer from imprisonment without trial or short notice trials.

Overall, Edward I was a great leader who established many important reforms and set a new standard for English kingship that would be followed by future generations.

Edward III: The Founder of the Order of the Garter

When it comes to the Plantagenet dynasty, few people know that Edward III is regarded as one of the most influential monarchs to uphold the Middle Ages.

He was known for his wealth and generosity, having built numerous castles, roads, and fortifications throughout England. He was also a shrewd diplomat and a passionate warrior. But perhaps his greatest achievement was the founding of The Order of the Garter in 1348—the highest order of chivalry in England and Britain’s equivalent to a modern-day Nobel Prize.

Edward III’s commitment to chivalry and knighthood not only signified his miliary prosperity, but also demonstrated how he recognized politeness and decorum in court culture. It is said that Edward frequently used King Arthur’s Round Table as an example for noble tournaments held at Windsor Castle, which would often be attended by clergymen, merchants, lords, knights and kings.

The Order of the Garter remains — to this day — a symbol of emulation for anyone desiring to promote acts of courage, loyalty and generosity towards others. Edward III’s legacy lives on through it!

Richard III: Legend and Reality

The last Plantagenet king of England, Richard III, is one of the most notorious figures in English history. He has been characterized as both a tyrannical usurper and a heroic defender of the crown. But what is the reality behind the legend?

It’s true that Richard III actively sought to put an end to the civil unrest that had plagued England for decades prior. He moved quickly to consolidate his power, and launched an ambitious plan to dramatically increase England’s power and wealth.

However, his opponents saw these moves as oppressive and tyrannical, which sparked unrest throughout his reign. It culminated in Shakespeare’s depiction of him as a ruthless villain in his play ‘Richard III’.

Despite this dark legacy, Richard was also remembered fondly by some for his courageous defense of England during the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. His brief but heroic reign represented one of England’s last great moments during the Middle Ages before political turmoil set in once again.

The Plantagenet era was an important period in British history, and one of the most fascinating families to ever rule England. It was a time of power struggles and fortitude, of war and political intrigue, and of spectacular achievements and ambitions. From the ambitious Henry II to the tragic Richard III, the Plantagenets left an indelible mark on the pages of history. It is a legacy that remains to this day, and one that will continue to inspire and captivate many generations to come.

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