‘Longest Third Date’ (2023). Documentary on netflix

TV Shows MCM
Longest Third Date

Longest Third Date is a Netflix documentary directed by Brent Hodge.

Have you ever met someone through an internet app? Longest Third Date is a documentary about this phenomenon, focusing on two people who meet through a dating app, fall in love, go on some fantastic dates and… yes, love happens.

Well, and they get stuck on an island because of the Coronavirus.

It’s not life-changing, nor does it tell anything new. It’s not Indian Predator, don’t worry, no one is going to end up torn to shreds. Longest Third Date is a simple documentary, a reality show about life that gives us a little piece of reality about this strange, nice and very odd world in which, sometimes, two people find love.

Especially when on a third date they invite you on a classy exotic trip!


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