Lee Ufan and Claude Viallat. Pace Gallery London

Lisbeth Thalberg
Lee Ufan, Relatum (formerly Phenomenon and Perception B), 1968/2022, Stone and glass, approx. 60 x 220 x 250 cm © Lee Ufan / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Claude Viallat, 1975/023, 1975, acrylic on fabric exposed to rain, 230 × 210 cm © Claude Viallat, courtesy Ceysson & Bénétière

Organised by the preeminent French curator, Alfred Pacquement, our
two-person exhibition will survey Lee Ufan and Claude Viallat’s enduring commitment to abstraction as a means of engaging philosophical ideas of time, space, and matter. An illustrated exhibition catalogue featuring new texts by the artists and curator will be released by Pace Publishing later in the year.

Pace Gallery London

5 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HQ, United Kingdom

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