Art Brussels announces new dates for 2020 edition

March 14, 2020 8:46 AM EDT

Friday 26 – Sunday 28 June 2020. Opening: Thursday 25 June 2020

Due to the unprecedented situation regarding COVID-19, the growing concern over public health and the resulting force majeure event, Art Brussels – with the agreement of their international gallery committee – has decided to cancel the April edition of the fair and reschedule the dates.

Art Brussels 2020 will now take place from Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 June 2020.

Art Brussels has a loyal exhibitor and visitor base and our primary consideration when making this decision was to safeguard their health alongside that of the staff, partners and the wider public. Having closely monitored the situation and in the face of increasing local and global concern, we felt that this was the best way to proceed. The decision is aligned with the recent Belgian government recommendations aimed at containing the spread of the virus.

We want to thank everyone for their ongoing commitment, understanding and support, and look forward to welcoming visitors to Brussels in June.

Please click here to download this release as a PDF
Art Brussels 2020 Friday 26 – Sunday 28 June 2020 
Preview: Thursday 25 June 2020
Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86c, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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