Atiéna R. Kilfa, Primitive Tales | Cabinet Gallery | London

October 01, 2023 11:12 AM EDT
Atiéna R. Kilfa
Atiéna R. Kilfa, Primitive Tales

If the primitive finds itself halted and repressed by violent categorisation, it also outgrows the experience of negation, of being stopped, of feeling out of place: stopping, doesn’t end there. It grows into a form of orientation, a narrative axis, from which the world unfolds. From there, disorientating how things are arranged from within, it reveals how familiar spaces can seem strange.

I want to invoke Bresson’s ejaculatory force of the eye, in continuing the trajectory of interrupted gestures that could not reach their final destinations, but which, in their ineffable expressions of wish or intention, give us a sense of orientation towards the future.

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