British artist Maggi Hambling collaborates with art and fashion magazine Middle Plane

October 27, 2020
Pages from Middle Plane issue no.3.
Pages from Middle Plane issue no.3.

Issue to be published November 2020

Maggi Hambling x Juergen Teller, commissioned by Middle Plane Magazine
Maggi Hambling x Juergen Teller, commissioned by Middle Plane Magazine

Maggi’s Mag is a collaboration between Middle Plane magazine and British artist Maggi Hambling creating a dialogue between art and fashion. The issue reads as a visual interview made up of photo series presented in a non-linear format that sheds light on the artist in varied ways – at times intimidating and confrontational, at others generous and humorous. From drawing on her vices and behaviours to exploring the unusual juxtaposition of fashion and art, the editorials include
a series of intimate photographs of Hambling shot by Juergen Teller, cinematic stills by Sam Rock inspired by her love of the sea, a series by Paul Kooiker that draws on her penchant for meringues and a study by Isabelle Wenzel inspired by Maggi’s life drawings.

Created especially for Middle Plane, 20 limited edition signed copies of a book of the artist’s daily morning ink drawings will be available.

About the artist

Born in Suffolk in 1945, Maggi Hambling is widely regarded as one of Britain’s most significant and controversial artists. Working across painting, sculpture, printmaking and installation, Hambling’s direct and committed engagement with her subject produces profoundly moving work. In 2017, the British Museum hosted a retrospective of Hambling’s works on paper, and a major retrospective exhibition of the artist’s work across all media was held in China in 2019, at both CAFA in Beijing and the Guangdong Museum of Art in Guangzhou. Maggi Hambling: 2020 at Marlborough Gallery in London (15 October – 21 November) will present a new series of paintings and this autumn will also see the artist unveil a new public sculpture for feminist Mary Wollstonecraft in Newington Green, London.

Paul Kooiker x Middle Plane Magazine, London, commissioned for issue no. 3
Paul Kooiker x Middle Plane Magazine, London, commissioned for issue no. 3

About Middle Plane

Born in London in 2018, Middle Plane is a printed magazine that straddles the worlds of visual art and fashion. Each issue features a guest artist who is a significant figure on the international art stage. It supports artists and professionals in the worlds of art and fashion through creating new and exciting collaborative pieces. In other words, the magazine is a facilitator of new projects, which allows artists to form and organise the issue they direct. The results are unpredictable, critical and eerie, and, above all, new to the magazine landscape. Previous issues were led by the estate of Felix Gonzalez-Torres and by Vadim Zakharov.

Founder and editor-in-chief: Roni Monhait

Senior editor: Arik Franco

Issue no. 3 design and art direction: John Morgan studio and Bruce Usher

Pages from Middle Plane issue no.3.
Pages from Middle Plane issue no.3.

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