Christian Tagliavini
Christian Tagliavini. Artemisia (2010)

Christian Tagliavini – CAMERA WORK Photogallery (Berlin)

Exhibi8on from June 24 un8l August 19, 2023. The illustrated book »Circesque« (teNeues Verlag), dedicated to the ar8st’s series of the same name, will be released simultaneously with the exhibi8on.
July 11, 2023 1:41 PM EDT

CAMERA WORK Gallery presents an exhibition of over 40 works by Christian Tagliavini some of which have never been displayed to the public. This provides insight into the complexly composed series of the »photographic cra]sman.« Christian Tagliavini is represented exclusively by CAMERA WORK Gallery.

Christian Tagliavini
Christian Tagliavini. Avenue des Titans (2015)

Christian Tagliavini’s art is defined by an extraordinary creative process, the final result of which is depicted in his photographs. The artist gives shape to his work from conception to the final result, thus manifesting a creative vision that he brings to life with handmade props, custom-made costumes, and unconventional models. Meticulous planning defines each project, beginning with initial historical research, feasibility analysis, sketching, storyboarding, color experimentation and composition. Only then does the artist begin to realize his vision. Along the way, Tagliavini uses a variety of techniques to handcra] every detail, including props and sets. Costumes are created according to his detailed designs, including fabric and color choices. These wardrobes are custom-made for each model.

Christian Tagliavini
Christian Tagliavini. Tecla (2017)

Tagliavini’s series »Dame Di Cartone« (2008), »1503« (2010), »Carte« (2012), »Voyages Extraordinaires« (2015), »1406« (2017), and »Circesque« (2019/20) are dedicated to fantastical thematic worlds, each of which is represented by significant major works in the exhibition. They tell open-ended stories that invite viewers to actively experience unique ideas and sensations, and ultimately determine the ending themselves.

Christian Tagliavini was born in Switzerland in 1971. His work is particularly influenced by his childhood in Parma, where he grew up surrounded by the cultural richness of the Po Valley. A self-taught photographer, Tagliavini originally studied architecture and worked as a graphic designer. His interest in photography was awakened at a photography exhibition in Milan in 2000. Fascinated by the technical aspects of photography, he first tried different photographic disciplines, before discovering that the staging technique is the most effective way to realize those stories that live in his imagination. Christian Tagliavini’s works are represented in prestigious private and public collections and are exhibited in numerous museums worldwide.

Christian Tagliavini
Christian Tagliavini. Alchimiade (2017)


CAMERA WORK was founded in 1997 in Berlin, and has since then become one of the worldwide leading galleries for photography. With its historically coined gallery name, the gallery has always followed the philosophy to represent, next to world famous classic photographers such as Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, Patrick Demarchelier, Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, Man Ray, Herb Rins, and Albert Watson young and contemporary artists to manifest the position of photography as an independent genre within visual art and to give room to new positions. CAMERA WORK exclusively represents many prominent contemporary artists in Germany, Europe and around the world such as David Yarrow, David Drebin, Jean-Baptiste Huynh, Russell James, Robert Polidori, Eugenio Recuenco, Martin Schoeller, and Christian Tagliavini. CAMERA WORK regularly participates in the major international photography and art fairs, such as Art Central Hong Kong, Zona Maco in Mexico City, Paris Photo, and Photo London.

In 2020, CAMERA WORK established CAMERA WORK Virtual Gallery — an innovative, high quality online gallery where art collectors and art lovers can experience exclusive exhibitions: virtualgallery/

CAMERA WORK AG, founded in 2001, owns one of the world’s most extensive and high-quality private photography collections with numerous vintage works by the most famous photographers of the 19th century up to the present. Beyond emphases on fashion, nude, and portrait photography, CAMERA WORK also focuses on the genres architecture and still life. From 2006 to 2019, CAMERA WORK presented THE KENNEDYS museum in Berlin, Germany.

Christian Tagliavini
Christian Tagliavini. La ragazza tatuata (Closeup), 2019

CAMERA WORK Photogallery

Kantstraße 149, 10623 Berlin, Germany

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