Crusading The Specter. Curated by Shikeith – Yossi Milo Gallery, New York

Yossi Milo is excited to share that Crusading The Specter, a group exhibition curated by artist and filmmaker Shikeith, has been extended and will remain on view through Friday, August 18, 2023. The exhibition presents work by Antoine d’Agata, Kevin Beasley, Kevin Claiborne, Justin Emmanuel Dumas, Alanna Fields, Diana Al-Hadid, Allison Janae Hamilton, Y. Malik Jalal, Harold Mendez, Azza El Siddique, Bri Williams, and London Williams.

Crusading The Specter is a creative response to a prevailing socio-political state of mourning and remembrance, an ever-increasing loss of societal liberties and privileges, and worldwide environmental devastation. This exhibition delves into the spatial dimension and politics of the notion of ‘a haunting,’ drawing inspiration from the concept of Hauntology as introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1992 magnum opus, Specters of Marx.

elf-Portrait by Shikeith

About The Curator

With a complex multidisciplinary practice, Shikeith interrogates the sociopolitical structures and histories that oppress the psychological landscapes of marginalized communities. Influenced by his interest in hauntology and spiritual traditions from the African diaspora, Shikeith’s artwork both mines and speculates on methodologies of disentangling and reconciliation.

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Lisbeth Thalberg
Lisbeth Thalberg
Journalist and artist (photographer). Editor of the art section at MCM.
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