Hermann NITSCH | Bayreuth : Postlude. Galerie RX, Paris

October 14, 2023 11:51 AM EDT
Hermann Nitsch
Sans titre, Hermann Nitsch, 200 x 300 cm, Acrylique sur toile, 2021

Nitsch is an heir to the aesthetic concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, which translates as “total work of art” and emerged from German Romanticism in the 19th century. This concept is based on the simultaneous use of numerous artistic disciplines and media. During his Aktions, Nitsch operated like an orchestra conductor. From the music he composed to the performers, he guided the performance through to its conclusion. The first creator of a total work of art was none other than Richard Wagner (1813-1883), who was also behind the Bayreuth Festival (founded in 1876). This common thread between Nitsch and Wagner motivated the Bayreuth Festival to invite the Austrian artist to perform.

This exhibition presents works created during this festival.

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