Nathalie Talec: Now Is the Time – Galerie Maubert, Paris

Coming back to my own…, 3, 2023, aquarelle sur papier, 110 x 110 cm, détail
Lisbeth Thalberg Lisbeth Thalberg

In this new exhibition at Galerie Maubert, Nathalie Talec continues her explorations, both real and metaphorical, and presents a body of works on paper, objects and sculptures, revolving around a youthful, omnipresent, multiple and troubling figure who is none other than herself. Through what appear to be serendipitous collages, these self-portraits reveal a deeper part of the work, one that escapes consciousness, one that assumes an obsession with duality, shamelessness, bewilderment, desolation and its asperities.  

The reverse of forms, 2, 2018, moule en plâtre, chanvre et silicone, 14 x 24 x 9 cm

Masquerade 2, 2022, Masquerade collection, graphite et collage sur papier, 42 x 59,5 cm

Blinded idols, 2017, aquarelle, mine de plomb et or à la feuille sur papier, 24 x 32 cm

Coming back to my own…, 1, 2023, aquarelle sur papier, 110 x 110 cm, détail

Galerie Maubert

20 Rue Saint-Gilles, 75003 Paris, France

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