Nina Beier at the 34th Bienal de São Paulo

September 14, 2021
The Complete Works, 2009/2012. Performance still, 2012. Tate Modern, London.
The Complete Works, 2009/2012. Performance still, 2012. Tate Modern, London.

Nina Beier will present her performance The Complete Works, along with sculptures from her Plug series, at the 34th Bienal de São Paulo. In The Complete Works, retired dancers dance, in chronological order and without interruption, every work of choreography they performed in their careers. Her Plug works – assemblages of bathroom sinks stuffed with cigars that have been hand-rolled to fit suggestively into their drains – will be featured separately in the main exhibition Though it’s dark, still I sing at the Pavilhão da Bienal.

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Martin Cid Magazine

Martin Cid Magazine (MCM) is a cultural magazine about entertainment, arts and shows.

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