Open Eye Gallery presents their much-anticipated showcase of perfectly post-able paintings in their annual festive exhibition On a Small Scale, with all works exclusively available for purchase online.
Throughout its 25-year history, this exhibition has become a celebrated feature of the Edinburgh art calendar. Each year the Open Eye Gallery invites selected artists to submit unframed works in any medium, that are either relative to another, larger body of work, or a one-off unique insight into the artist’s practice. The only restriction being to limit dimensions to 15 x 21 cm, the classic ‘postcard’ size.
With around 200 invited artists, and approximately 500 works to choose from, this exhibition places some of the most established names in Scottish art alongside artists at the beginning of their careers, celebrating the scope of contemporary art in Scotland.
With prices ranging from £200 to £1,000, this exhibition offers the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to start or expand a collection of quality Scottish contemporary art.
Open Eye Gallery comments, A much-loved highlight of the Edinburgh art calendar, this is an exhibition we very much look forward to showcasing annually. After the decision to move the full exhibition online 4 years ago, On a Small Scale has grown in popularity, not just at home, but internationally, allowing our clients the possibility to purchase and have these little gems shipped to them in time for Christmas.