Lilian Steiner: Flesh and Diamonds. Gertrude Contemporary

Widely regarded and respected as one of the most innovative dancers and choreographers of…

The Stiftung Arp e.V. Gifts Over 200 Plasters by Sculptor Hans Arp to 10 Museums Worldwide

(Germany) – The Estate of the German-French sculptor Hans Arp (1886–1966), The Stiftung Arp e.V.,…

The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Frans Hals. National Gallery

The largest exhibition devoted to the work of Frans Hals for more than thirty…

Djamel Tatah: Solitary Figures. Bienvenu Steinberg & J New York

NEW YORK – Solitary Figures, Franco-Algerian artist Djamel Tatah’s first solo exhibition in the United States, will…

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