People Dem Collective X Diasporas Now: ‘Turner Lates: Movement from the Margins’ Callout

July 16, 2024 12:58 PM EDT

In partnership with Turner Contemporary, Margate-based community organisation People Dem Collective (PDC), expanded performance platform Diasporas Now, and PRAH Recordings are seeking proposals from global majority-identifying artists at the intersection of music, performance art, dance, and other audiovisual performance-based practices.

Two artists will be selected and invited to perform at Movements from the Margins, part of Turner Contemporary’s late-night Turner Lates events series, on Friday 30 August 2024. The event, organised by PDC and Diasporas Now, is inspired by the gallery’s current exhibition Ed Clark, the first institutional exhibition in Europe dedicated to this pioneering artist.

Selected artists will receive a week-long funded residency at PRAH Recordings in Margate, including complimentary on-site accommodation and access to fully equipped music recording studios.

The open call is for UK-based, global majority-identifying artists and musicians, collaborations and artist collectives. It seeks primarily sound-based interpretations the ethos of improvisation, intuition and experimentation to nurture alternative cultural discourses.

Applications open on Monday 15 July, and close on Wednesday 31 July 2024.

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