Phillip King
Phillip King, La Ronde de Rennes, 2022 © The Estate of Phillip King.

Phillip King, ‘La Ronde de Rennes’ public artwork commission in Rennes

December 13, 2022 8:48 AM EST

Phillip King’s final major public sculpture, La Ronde de Rennes, was inaugurated in the French city of Rennes over the weekend: one of seven public artworks commissioned for stations on the newly opened Métro Ligne b.

La Ronde de Rennes, 2022, is an outdoor sculpture of brightly-coloured, abstract shapes. The interwoven elements of the work are evocative of dancing bodies, capturing the momentum and energy of choreographed movements in a fixed structure. Each component appears autonomous, yet dependent on the others, delicately balanced as if removing one piece would cause the assembly to fall.

Born in Tunis to a French Mother, King held a deep affinity to France. La Ronde de Rennes was King’s last major public work completed before his death in 2021, and his only work created for a public space in France. The sculpture can be found at the station Saint-Jacques – Gaîté, designed by architects Gouyou-Beauchamps and Pédelaborde. Other stations along the line will feature works by Jean-Marie Appriou, Isabelle Cornaro, Valentin Carron, Charles de Meaux, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, and Ugo Rondinone.

The Métro Ligne b artwork commission was funded by Rennes Métropole, le Ministère de la Culture and la Région Bretagne.

To read more about the project, click here.

Further information on Phillip King

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