Rescheduled | Cici Wu: Belonging and Difference – Empty Gallery

September 02, 2023 2:41 PM EDT

Cici Wu

Cici Wu, Foreign Object #2 Umbra and Penumbra (Dolphin), 2023

Due to the adverse weather conditions brought on by Typhoon Saola, our opening reception for Cici Wu’s Belonging and Difference has been moved to Sunday, September 3, 6—8pm.

We hope to see you all then, and please stay safe in the meanwhile. 

Reducing filmmaking to its most humble and elemental components, Wu creates objects, videos, and installations which extend the imaginative and structural premises of cinematic language across a wide range of media. Often taking local microhistories or archives as a point of departure, Wu uses the cinematic frame as a means to negotiate and reflect on the ways in which transpersonal narratives of social, cultural and historical belonging structure our experiences of self. 

Empty Gallery

18th & 19th Floor, Grand Marine Center
3 Yue Fung Street, Tin Wan, Hong Kong 
Tuesday to Saturday, 11am–7pm

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