Tsang Kin-Wah: “Freezing Water: Between Here and There” | HK Museum of Art

Tsang Kin-Wah has been commissioned by the Hong Kong Museum of Art to form a conversation between contemporary art and the institution’s Xubaizhai Collection. Inspired by the sentiments encapsulated in ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphy, Tsang Kin-Wah created a large-scale projection installation, Freezing Water: Between Here and There. On view till June 2024.

Taking reference from the classic “one river, two banks” composition of Chinese landscape painting, the artist infused religious, literary and cinematic elements, as well as his personal experience in his work. Through the interplay of contrasting black and white images with high and low pitched sounds, the installation leads the audience on a journey to discover their inner feelings and emotional changes.

Lisbeth Thalberg
Lisbeth Thalberghttp://lisbeththalberg.wordpress.com
Journalist and artist (photographer). Editor of the art section at MCM.
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