Lucinda Riley Unnamed photographer for Cappelen Damm publishers, Oslo

Lucinda Riley and the success of the saga ‘The Seven Sisters’

June 27, 2023 4:45 AM EDT

Lucinda Riley is one of the most widely read authors due to the success of the Seven Sisters saga, books translated into more than 37 languages and with more than 50 million sales.

Unfortunately the author passed away in 2021, but I can enjoy the success of her books with the exception of #8, which is her posthumous work.

Without spoilers and for people who don’t know, The Seven Sisters stars the six D’Aplièse sisters, and each of the books will focus on the lives of each of them since the death of their mysterious adoptive father, who will be known as Pa Salt. Upon learning of the death of their adoptive father, the D’Aplièse sisters return to Atlantis, their childhood home. There they discover that Pa Salt has left each of them a clue to where he came from. In each of the books of the saga the reader will accompany the sisters in their adventure to discover their origins and their past around the world. Places such as Rio de Janeiro, Norway, England, Australia, Spain and Kenya will be visited.

Mystery, secrets, relationships between sisters, laughter, sadness… everything is included in this collection that will delight more than one.

We are going to give you the order of the novels for your reading:

  1. Seven sisters
  2. The Storm sister
  3. The Shadow sister
  4. The Pearl sister
  5. The Moon sister
  6. The Sun sister
  7. The Missing sister
  8. Atlas: The History of Pa Salt
Seven sisters
1. Seven sisters
The Pearl sister
4. The Pearl sister
The Storm sister
2. The Storm sister
The Moon sister
5. The Moon sister
The Shadow sister
3. The Shadow sister
The Sun sister
6. The Sun sister
The Missing sister
7. The Missing sister
Atlas: The History of Pa Salt
8. Atlas: The History of Pa Salt

The saga of The Seven Sisters is one of the literary interpretations inspired by the Pleiades or The Seven Sisters. The Pleiades are mentioned in various cultures and literatures throughout history. Lucinda Riley is inspired by the Greek conception of the Pleiades. In Greek mythology the seven sisters are nymphs daughters of Atlas. The names of the protagonists of The Seven Sisters saga are the same as those of the Seven Sisters star cluster and the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology: Maia, Alcyone (Ally), Herope (Star), Celenus (CeCe), Táigete (Tiggy) and Electra. The seventh Pleiades star is baptized as Mérope, being the star that shines the least and is almost invisible. Therefore, in the saga of The Seven Sisters, the author decides that the latter will be the lost sister that the other sisters will pursue in the seventh book, which was published in 2021.

Now it’s time to enjoy these wonderful eight books and follow in the footsteps of each of the sisters as they discover their origins.

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