
Raymond Chandler

Raymond Chandler is one of the most celebrated and iconic writers of detective fiction. His works have deeply influenced the genre, with characters such as...

Jane Austen

Step into the world of Jane Austen, and you'll find yourself in a glorious celebration of women, love, and passion. Her stories have become...

Gabriel García Márquez

From the moment you first opened a book by Gabriel García Márquez, you were captivated. His stories were unlike anything you’d ever read before...

James Joyce

When you mention the name 'James Joyce', it's likely that one of his classic works is the first thing to come to mind. From...

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka is one of the most influential and widely-read authors of the 20th century. His work has shaped how we think about literature...

Henry James

When it comes to masterful writing, few authors can inspire and captivate readers quite like Henry James. Known for his novels, novellas, and short stories,...

H.P Lovecraft

If you’ve ever read some of H.P Lovecraft’s work, then you know that he was a master of creating unforgettable worlds. His short stories and...

May Events at the Southbank Centre – Listings

Amplifying the next generation of creators, we host May’s edition of Out-Spoken, a vibrant poetry and gig night with live music that champions diversity of...