
A Transit of Mercury Happens Nov. 11

The sky will put on a show Nov. 11 when Mercury journeys across the Sun. The event, known as a transit, occurs when Mercury passes directly between Earth and the Sun. From our perspective on Earth, Mercury will look like a tiny black
2 months ago
Artist’s concept of the Earth drawn from data from multiple satellite missions and created by a team of NASA scientists and graphic artists. Credit: NASA Images By Reto Stöckli, Based On Data From NASA And NOAA

NASA Advances Climate Resilience with Updated Adaptation Plan

In a bid to fortify federal operations against climate change impacts, NASA has released its upgraded Climate Adaptation Plan, joining forces with over 20 other federal agencies. This development further bolsters the Biden-Harris Administration’s pursuit for widespread resilience to climate change. The
3 months ago

Hubble Sees a Sparkling Neighbor Galaxy

The galaxy ESO 300-16 looms over this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This galaxy, which lies 28.7 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Eridanus, is a ghostly assemblage of stars which resembles a sparkling cloud. Other distant galaxies and foreground
1 year ago
James webb telescope

Webb captures detailed beauty of Ring Nebula | Behold

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has observed the well-known Ring Nebula with unprecedented detail. Formed by a star throwing off its outer layers as it runs out of fuel, the Ring Nebula is an archetypal planetary nebula. The object is also
1 year ago
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