TV Shows

Season 2 of “Midnight at the Pera Palace”: The Quintessential Mystery and Intrigue Make a Triumphant Return to Netflix

"Midnight at the Pera Palace" is a Turkish series created by Elif Usman starring Yasemin Szawlowski. "Midnight at the Pera Palace" stands as a timeless series steeped in intrigue, mystery,...

“Ángel Di María: Breaking Down the Wall” – A Netflix Documentary: Unveiling the Most Intimate Side of the Argentine Soccer Icon

"Ángel Di María: Breaking Down the Wall" is a documentary directed by Juan Baldana about the Argentinean soccer player Ángel Di María. The thrilling match...

“Billionaire Island” on Netflix: A Norwegian comedy brimming with wealth… and salmon

"Billionaire Island" is a Netflix series created by Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin. It stars Trine Wiggen, Svein Roger Karlsen and Ragne Grande. Hailing from the land...

“Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter” Documentary on Netflix: An Intriguing Tale of a Mother’s Search for Her Long-Lost Daughter

"Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter" is a docuseries directed by Ryan White. "Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter," a riveting documentary streaming on Netflix,...

The Sopranos: Characters That Defined an Era

When discussing the landscape of modern television, few shows have had as profound an impact as The Sopranos. This groundbreaking series, which aired from...

“The Perfect Couple” Series on Netflix: A Whodunit, Plentiful Suspects, and Humor with a Dash of Elegance

"The Perfect Couple" is a Netflix series starring Nicole Kidman. With Liev Schreiber, Eve Hewson, Dakota Fanning and Meghann Fahy. It is created by...

“Apollo 13: Survival” – A Documentary on Netflix about the Apollo 13 Tragedy: A Cinematic Reconstruction Featuring Newly Discovered Footage from NASA

"Apollo 13: Survival" is a documentary directed by Pete Middleton. "Apollo 13: Survival" is a captivating documentary available on Netflix that meticulously reconstructs the harrowing...

“Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas” Documentary on Netflix: A Gripping True Crime Tale Amidst the Dark World of Sexual Exploitation...

"Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas" is a Netflix true crime documentary. In the bustling heart of Mexico City, a series of...

“Last One Standing” Season 3 – Netflix comedy show: an inimitable and exceptionally hilarious Japanese series

"Last One Standing" is a Japanese comedy series. Season 3 is available on Netflix starting September 3. "Last One Standing" stands out as an unclassifiable...

“Untold: Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer” – A Riveting Netflix Documentary: Hope Solo, the Pinnacle of Goalkeeping Excellence. The Undisputed Best Goalkeeper Ever

"Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer" is a documentary of the sport series "Untold" about Hope Solo. It is directed by Nina Meredith. Hope Solo stands...

“A-List to Playlist” – A Netflix Documentary: Tracing the Origins of Music Creation

"A-List to Playlist" is a Korean musical documentary series with Jo Jeong-Seok, Gummy, Jung Sang-hoon and Moon Sang-hoon among others. It is created by...