Buba is a dark comedy directed by Arne Feldhusen starring Georg Friedrich.

A lot of crass humor in this violent and funny com-thrill that definitely has its audience.
Buba is a small time criminal, who shoots himself in freak accident during a street fight. Rewind to his you younger years when he was the breakdance champion in his hometown and had big dreams, until tragedy struck with the death of his parents in a car accident. Taking his grandma’s thoughtless comment to heart, blaming him for the accident, he feels responsible for all the bad things that happen around him. This marks him for life, and leads him to expose himself to self-sabotaging precarious situations. With that karmic approach he ends up joining the local mafia along with his brother.
Review of ‘Buba’
You can expect plenty of crass jokes, true to the character of Buba. It is funny, loaded with dark humor, a lot of overacting, clownish even, but the script is quite good. Narrated by a voice-off, we can easily keep up with the story.
Without recurring to a sophisticated production, it is an amusing account of this character and his travails. The dubbing is relatively well pulled off, with British voice overs, that cockney accent works well.
Our Opinion
This movie definitely has an audience. It is full of self-irony, the performances are good, within the slapstick comedy genre. The humor is crass, but it is humor at the end of the day. So grab a cold can of beer and have a knee-slapping laugh or two.
The Cast
Georg Friedrich
Georg Friedrich is an Austrian actor known for movies like Wild, Marija, Wild Mouse, and Freud.
Release Date
August 3, 2022.
Where to Watch Buba
On Netflix.