“Let’s Get Divorced” is a Japanese series on Netflix starring Tori Matsuzaka, Riisa Naka, Ryo Nishikido, and Yuka Itaya.
The show is a comedy that prioritizes entertainment, amusement, and distraction from everyday life. It explores the problems of divorce, but without moralizing. The show is enjoyable, straightforward, and it’s almost impossible not to like the two main characters despite their differences.
The plot revolves around a couple who no longer love each other and wants to get a divorce. Despite their optimism, external circumstances make it challenging to achieve their goal. They must work together to navigate these obstacles and reach their desired outcome.
The show offers a pleasant view of modern Japan, where characters are caught between traditional and modern ways of life. It’s a comedy that lets two great actors do what they do best, making the audience laugh with their eccentric performances and comedic situations. The characters are created to make people laugh, but they are also real people facing a drama between tradition and modernity. They have no choice but to take it all in stride and with humor.
Overall, “Let’s Get Divorced” is a good proposal from Netflix. It introduces viewers to two likable characters and a world that, despite its changes, refuses to change comically. It’s a show that’s perfect for passing the time without complications. The ending is particularly amusing, and the lead actress’s performance is hilarious.
In summary, it’s an enjoyable and sympathetic show, and it’s impossible to hate the main characters.
Release date
June 22, 2023
Where to Watch Let’s Get Divorced
The Cast
Tori Matsuzaka / Taishi Shoji
Ryo Nishikido / Kyoji Kano
Riisa Naka / Yui Kurosawa
Yuka Itaya / Kaoru Inden
Kลji Yamamoto
Arata Furuta