Pokémon Concierge – Animated Series on Netflix: A peaceful stay with our Pokémon friends

Alice Lange
Alice Lange
Alice Lange is passionate about music. She has been part of several groups in the production side and has now decided to bring her experience to...
Pokémon Concierge - Netflix

Pokémon Concierge is an animation series directed by Iku Ogawa.

If you are Pokémon fans, today Netflix brings you this Christmas gift: a trip to a Pokémon resort where these friendly creatures can enjoy the company of humans.

The main attraction of this series is the 3D animation. It is not an action-packed series; there are no fights, challenges, or rivalries. It is a series for the little ones, where they can learn valuable life lessons through these friendly creatures that, at least in this series, coexist peacefully with humans.

In summary, it is a series for the little ones. If you are parents, you can leave your children in good company, and if they like it, rest assured that they will learn only good and charming life lessons.

Enjoy it.

Where to Watch “Pokémon Concierge”


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