Jeepers Creepers: Reborn is a slasher horror movie directed by Timo Vuorensola, starring Sydney Craven and Imran Adams.
A reboot of the 2001 flick by Victor Salva. Very much like the title of this review, the movie is an unimaginative cliché. In fact, it is a tad worse.
A couple goes on a trip and comes face to face with a mysterious creature that kills everything and everyone that crosses its path for no apparent reason.
Movie Review
Is this just another slasher movie? Yes, and it cannot be emphasized enough. It piggy backs on the original feature film, and never really manages to engage nor convince us. It is a studio production, with all the “comforts” and the quality that that entails, however it is too a movie that is overtly a product that simply seeks a profit relying on an already existing piece. Without much imagination as far as the premise is concerned, it gives us the impression that those behind the screenplay do not seem to have given much thought to what they are offering the viewers, and have served us a slasher that is a run-of-the-mill.
One of the traits of slasher movies, and which explains why so many are produced is that they are normally relatively economical to bring about. Jeepers Creepers: Reborn is definitely not an exception to that rule and is merely a “filler” in the movie array, that does not manage to stand out from the genre nor provide us with anything new. It was not on the agenda to be original or innovative.
The performances are good considering the limitations of the screenplay, and it does have the very odd amusing scene, as the dress-up scene that is a clear nod to the 80’s and 90’s horror movies; the same applies the photography and costume designs.
Our Opinion
A slasher that lives up to the bad rap of the genre thanks to the unimaginative script.
Where to Watch
Amazon Prime Video

Timo Vuorensola
Timo Vuorensola (born 29 November 1979) is a Finnish film director and actor. He has directed Star Wreck movies Star Wreck V: Lost Contact, and Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, created by Samuli Torssonen. Vuorensola plays Lieutenant Dwarf in the films, and is currently directing the film Iron Sky. He is also the lead vocalist and co-founder of dark industrial band Älymystö.
The Cast
![]() Sydney Craven / Laine | ![]() Imran Adams / Chase | ![]() Jarreau Benjamin / The Creeper |
![]() Matt Barkley / Jamie | ![]() Peter Brooke / Stu | ![]() Ocean Navarro |
![]() Gary Graham | ![]() Georgia Goodman / Lady Manilla |
Gabriel Freilich / Sam
Terry Bird / Officer Edwards
being a creeper fan since 2001 after the first film and having plenty of friends fans as well it was nerbve wrecking waiting for the new movie but as much as i really hate to sdmit it, it does not live up to the respect the franchise deserves, ad some really bad acting, lame chromas and really noticed poor cgi and lack of respect for the characteristics that made the CZreeper so special since the beginning…you cant tell in thew first 5 minutes theres no Jonathan Breck in the costume,…he is the creeper, he knew how to embody it from the get go. also the leading couple aint no Trish nor Darryll…the lack charisma and chemistry.overall, i watched it with 15 friends in my house lasat week and ended almost crying because there was no Creeper, at least the one we all expected anywhere around in that joke of a movie.