“Leo” (2023) | Animation Movie on Netflix: Adam Sandler’s Touch
"Leo" is a movie produced by Happy Madison Productions, which, as you…
“The King of Staten Island” (2023) | Movie on Netflix. Review: A remarkable ensemble comedy that escapes the biopic curse
"The King of Staten Island" is a movie directed by Judd Apatow…
The Best Bingo Scenes to Feature in Movies
It’s not quite high-stakes poker and we certainly can’t envisage Christopher Nolan…
“Believer 2” (2023) Movie on Netflix. Review: Finding Mr. Lee
"Believer 2" is an action South Korean movie directed by Baek Jong-Yeol…
“All-Time High” (2023) | A French Rom-Com on Netflix. Review: A film that, for once, knows how to break away from the conventional side
"All-Time High" is a romantic comedy directed by Julien Hollande starring Nassim…
“In Love and Deep Water” (2023) | Mystery and Comedy on Netflix
"In Love and Deep Water" is a movie directed by Yûsuke Taki,…
“Best. Christmas. Ever!” (2023) Christmas Movie on Netflix: Yes, more of the same
"Best. Christmas. Ever!" is a movie directed by Mary lambert, written by…
“Quiz Lady” (2023) Movie review: It’s not the greatest movie in history, but it’s quite funny
Quiz Lady is a comedy movie starring Awkwafina and Sandra Oh. With…
Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh is a name that resonates throughout the entertainment industry, a…
The Killer (2023) – Movie on Netflix. Review: Totally impeccable
The Killer is a movie directed by David Fincher starring Michael Fassbender…
“The Claus Family 3” (2023) | Christmas Movie: Yes, they’re back for Christmas
"The Claus Family 3" is a movie written and directed by Ruben…