“Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End” is a Spanish thriller movie directed by Carles Torrens. It is written by Ángel Agudo, and based on the novel by Manel Loureiro. it stars Francisco Ortiz. With José María Yázpik, Berta Vázquez, and Marta Poveda.
Prime Video brings us the latest film by Carles Torrens, presenting a storyline that will undoubtedly resonate with everyone: a deadly virus spreads worldwide, turning its hosts into brainless creatures that attack anyone who crosses their path with ferocious violence. Yes, the zombie virus has arrived, and Spain is not an exception when it comes to producing zombie movies and their countless variations, especially in an era where, after COVID and lockdowns, we all dread the emergence of an even worse virus.
This is a golden opportunity for production companies, capitalizing on collective fear to create films that often feel like repetitions of their predecessors, both in narrative and in assured commercial success.
Plot Summary
Spain declares a State of Emergency, handing control over to the military. In Vigo, a man defies orders and stays home with his cat while outside, the onset of a virus threatens to wipe out the population.
About the Movie
“Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End” leans more towards a survival thriller than a traditional horror film: it opts for situational tension rather than showcasing spectacular zombie scenes. With minimal special effects, the movie delves into the internal anguish of its characters rather than creating high-stakes, special-effects-laden scenarios.
The film distinctly separates itself from other international productions: it neither possesses the grandeur of South Korean films nor does it lean towards Hollywood’s extravagance. The narrative unfolds slowly, almost deliberately, focusing on the past trauma of the main character, who has recently lost his partner in a car accident. The film prioritizes exploring the character’s psychological state over the zombie apocalypse itself.
It’s a well-executed production with strong direction and writing, yet it avoids visual grandiosity. Instead, it presents a survival story told well, concentrating on the main character’s psyche. In doing so, “Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End” sets itself apart from the blockbuster productions we’ve seen recently: there are no grand heroes saving humanity or magical cures for the virus. Here, heroism is simply about surviving.
Francisco Ortiz delivers a commendable performance, masterfully embodying his character and sustaining the film’s momentum throughout.
Overall, “Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End” is a gripping survival thriller that shuns the usual zombie movie tropes in favor of a more introspective and psychological approach, making it a standout addition to the genre. This film proves that sometimes, the most compelling stories are those that focus on the human condition and the quiet struggles of everyday survival amidst extraordinary circumstances.
Where to Watch “Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End”