“Colors of Evil: Red”: A Netflix Serial Killer Thriller

“Colors of Evil: Red” is a Polish movie directed by Adrian Panek starring Jakub Gierszal, Maja Ostaszewska and Zofia Jastrzebska.

“Colors of Evil: Red” is among those films about serial killers, investigations, crimes, and nightclubs that, while not groundbreaking, leave a pleasant aftertaste for the audience. However, don’t expect a Hollywood-style thriller packed with action, chases, and shocking plot twists. Despite its initial presentation, the movie leans more towards dialogue and personal relationships than action and surprises.


A girl is found murdered on the beach with signs of sexual violence. The police investigate and discover a blood-stained shirt. Yet, everything seems too perfect, prompting a deeper investigation, especially since the victim’s mother, a judge, gets involved. The trail leads to one of the city’s nightclubs.

A Slow-Paced Thriller with More Dialogue Than Action

“Colors of Evil: Red” won’t leave viewers in awe or stick in their minds due to surprising plot twists. It’s a slow, relaxed script focusing more on the psychological depth of the story than providing a fast-paced treatment. Essentially, “Colors of Evil: Red” is a whodunit that lightly criticizes bureaucratic corruption. However, it fails to be a convincing thriller in terms of pace and doesn’t delve deeply enough into its critical aspects.

The film contrasts its light and almost conventional thriller treatment with a storyline involving murders and other police intrigues. Don’t expect a gruesome, violent, or morbid film because “Colors of Evil: Red” adopts a much calmer tone, aiming to please all viewers without truly captivating any.

Cast Performances

Jakub Gierszal plays the investigating officer. He delivers a convincing performance, but his role doesn’t offer opportunities to develop a more complex character since the script doesn’t place him at the dramatic center of the situation.

Maja Ostaszewska shines in her well-crafted role. She excels in dramatic scenes and consistently portrays a dual-faced, challenging, and ambiguous character.

Zofia Jastrzebska is a young actress with immense talent poised for success. We know her from another Netflix series, “Infamy” (2023), where she starred. She brings great talent, remarkable acting, and a strong personality to every scene. She is the standout performer in the film.

Our Opinion

“Colors of Evil: Red” manages to maintain the mystery but fails to make a significant impact visually, thematically, or script-wise. It remains a good genre film—entertaining, mysterious, and easy to watch—that passes through our lives without leaving a lasting impression.

Where to Watch “Colors of Evil: Red”


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Martin Cid
Martin Cid
Writer, pipe smoker and founder of MCM
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