F*ck Love Too (2022). Cast, Reviews. Netflix Romantic Comedies

Martin Cid
Martin Cid
Writer, pipe smoker and founder of MCM
F*ck Love Too (2022)

F*ck Love Too (F*ck de liefde 2) is a Netflix romantic comedy directed by Appie Boudellah and Aram van de Rest. Starring Yolanthe Cabau, Victoria Koblenko, Geza Weisz, Bo Maerten and Anouk Maas.

It’s the sequel of F*ck de liefde.


In this romantic comedy, several friends, each dealing with unhappy love lives, turn to each other for help — but not always with the best results. (Filmaffinity)

The Cast

Yolanthe Cabau

Spanish actress born in Ibiza in 1985. She made her film debut in Snowfever (2004) and she appeared in the films Complexx (2006), Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (2015) and F*ck de Liefde (2019).

Victoria Koblenko

Victoria Koblenko is a Ukranian presenter and actress who made her film debut in the 2004 movie Stille Nacht. More films: Life as It Should Be (2020), Fashion Chicks (2015) and Sl8n8 (2006).

Géza Weisz

Géza Weisz (Amsterdam, December 26, 1986)[1] is a Dutch actor and DJ. In addition to his work as an actor, he is also a restaurant owner, DJ and party organizer.

He made his film debut in the 2003 movie, Boy Ecury and some of his films are: Sterke verhalen (2010), Wiplala (2014) and Homies (2015).

F*ck Love Too (2022)
F*ck Love Too (2022)

Bo Maerten

Bo Rose Maerten (The Hague, October 10, 1992) is a Dutch actress and the daughter of Belgian actor Hugo Maerten.

She made her film debut in 2007 in the film Timboektoe. She has also appeared in Mannenharten 2 and Arrêt Pipi in 2015.

Movie Reviews

Coming soon.

Release Date

Friday, May 20, 2022.

Where to Watch F*ck Love Too (2022)

On Netflix.

Movie Trailer

Ficha Técnica y Reseña

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